SER 177 – Mark Goodwin – Are You Prepared For The Coming Storm?


Tonight’s show features Mark Goodwin, a prolific author, who is writing a 3-book series. This show will be a discussion of evil in the culture and the apostate church falling fast.

Have you heard of the super hero, Sun Man? (Is this just a re-run of Nimrod/Baal from the Bible?) Have you heard that Jesus is a transsexual? One worship leader in a PCA church is promoting such an idea.

St. Paul warned the early Church that wolves would come “from yourselves.” Watch out!

PCA church invited a lesbian to teach on celebrating lives of transgenders. Some newer Southern Baptist leaders are now embracing the idea that SSA (Same Sex Attraction) is fine, and how the Church needs to embrace homosexuals as they are. No repentance needed.

At the same time this is all being thrown at the world, Dr. Mike read recently that transsexuals are 19X more likely to commit suicide than others. So, is it working? Are people really free in their sin?

David Wilkerson prophesied 5 decades ago that homosexuals would have their own churches, and that witchcraft would be practiced in the church. Witchcraft is now one of the fastest growing “religious” belief systems in the world. Witches are recruiting many lost young women. There are even witch theological schools.

And yet, the Church won’t stand against any of this sin mentioned on the show tonight. As a nation, we are inviting curses of judgment upon America. Sadly, many churches mentioned on the show tonight, are for blame. If the parishioners were reading their Bibles, they wouldn’t be going to these churches.

If pastors will stand up to this nonsense, we can change our culture and the future of our country. One pastor has recently posted on his church billboard, that homosexuality is a sin. The LGBTQPWXYZ protested the church, and the church caved in, firing the pastor. This is a symptom of what’s going on.

The Church is not to run the shepherd. Do you hear from the Lord? If you do, you need to lead that local body of believers. If you’re God’s man, you need to lead. If they don’t like it, show them the door. The people corrupting the church, should leave if they don’t believe the Bible in its entirety.

It seems like less and less people are listening for the true Word of God. Just like Jeremiah, we need to not despair. We need to tell the truth, even if no one listens. Never give up!

Do we have shepherds feeding sheep or clowns feeding the goats? If you have a good pastor and godly families in your church, please pray for them. Satan wants to destroy godly men and women.

Luciferians want the one world government in place within twelve years. 5G will allow the total surveillance state.

The Angel Game is marketed to Christians, so people can ask angels questions. Instead of tarot cards, the game features angel cards. It is modeled after a ouija board. This is gnosticism.

Destiny cards are also popular today, but are not Christian at all. This is demonic, but wrapped in nice words like “angels” and “destiny” which sound harmless. Please warn your friends.

Be aware of what Satan is doing in the earth. Be vigilant. Study God’s Word! Be in good fellowship with other like-minded believers.

Check out Mark’s website, featuring his Christian books and series of books.
