SER 138 – Mark Goodwin – Ava’s Crucible


My friend Mark Goodwin joins me in this episode as the first four-time guest on SER. Mark has recently released Book One in his latest series titled Ava’s Crucible. As is always the case with his novels, Mark takes the headlines of today and crafts a compelling and realistic story of what America looks like and is sure to look like in the near future unless Christians stand firm against the evil onslaught that has gripped America.

Visit Mark’s website here to see all his books including The Economic Collapse Chronicles (3 book series), The Days of Noah (3 book series), The Days of Elijah (3 book series), and Seven Cows, Ugly and Gaunt (4 books series).




  1. Hi Mike, love your podcast but was wondering why the audio quality has decreased lately? It sounds like you’re recording from across the room. Generally the guest’s audio is ok (other than Skype issues), though. Any way you can rectify that? Thanks.

    • Hi Jay:

      Working on it today. Hope I can get it figured out.

      Thank you for listening.


  2. Thanks, Mike! Sorry if that sounded too critical or blunt – sometimes I can be that way. I know you’ll get it figured out soon. God bless!

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