SER 168 – Dr. Mike and Olivier Melnick – End Times Antisemitism: A New...

Olivier Melnick is an internationally known speaker on the world-wide growth of anti-Semitism. Born in Paris, France, to Holocaust survivors, he has equipped thousands...

SER 167 – Dr. Mike and Dr. Carl Gallups – The News and Prophetic...

Pastor Carl and I discuss some of the many troubling headlines we read today and give a much needed biblical perspective in response. Carl's website...

SER 166 – Cody Stanfill – Church Active Shooter Policy

Deadly Force Incidents (DFI's) against faith based organizations are on the rise. The reason for this is obvious: people with murderous intent see churches...

SER 165 – Brannon Howse – Marxianity Exposed

Cultural Marxism has been utilized to deliberately deceive and disarm unsuspecting people and nations. Currently, we are seeing the rotten fruit of this Trojan...

SER 164 – Dr. Mike with Bill Salus – The NEXT Prophecies

The NEXT PROPHECIES is book two of a trilogy that attempts to chronologically order the prophetic events of the end times. The NEXT PROPHECIES...

SER 163 – Dr. Mike with Pastor Brad Winship – The Moral and Spiritual...

VIDEO #1 - Prager University with Crowder – Democratic Socialism is still socialism IS’NT IT INTERESTING THAT THE ADVOCATES OF SOCIALISM WANT TO MAKE...

SER 162 – Doug Woodward and Gary Huffman – The Revealing: Unlocking Hidden Truths...

The biblical doctrine of the sanctification of the believer has become lost to a vast number of people who profess faith in Jesus Christ...

Soaring Eagle Radio 161 Special – Dr. Mike Live #3 with David Arthur –...

David Arthur joins me in this episode to discuss the Satanic effort unleashed upon America attempting to normalize pedophilia. Rise up church! David Arthur's website...

Soaring Eagle Radio 160 Special – Dr. Mike Live #2 – The Truth Will...

In this episode of Dr. Mike Live I discuss truth. The Bible says the truth will make you free. Friends we are in a battle today...

SER 158 – Calvary Perspectives 001 – The New Apostolic Reformation Part 1

Hi friends. This is the initial Calvary Perspectives episode. In this series I will be discussing topics that are important for the body of...

Soaring Eagle Radio 159 Special – Dr. Mike Live #1 – Coach Dave and...

Coach Dave Daubenmire joins me for the launch of DrMikeLive.  

Kingdom War Room 1 – Heavens of Brass – With Dr. LA Marzulli,...

The Kingdom War Room is a new podcast that we will be releasing once a month that will deal with strategic issues regarding end-time...

SER 157 – Pastor Carl Gallups – Gods of Ground Zero

Most Christias affirm an understanding of the Genesis story that includes the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Some can...

SER 156 – Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat – Messiah of Israel Ministries

Messiah of Israel Ministries was founded by Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat, who was born into a Sanhedrin’s family and raised in the most Orthodox...

SER 155 – Paul and Adam – Staying the Course in Biblically Illiterate Times...

Hi friends. This episode is part 2 of my conversation with Paul and Adam, the elders who serve with me at Calvary Chapel of...