Gospel of Matthew Commentary Now Available From Dr. Mike Spaulding!


Matthew 1-9: A Commentary for the Remnant Body of Jesus Christ, Volume 1, is now available from Dr. Mike. This commentary represents Mike’s pulpit teaching ministry through Chapters 1-9.

This commentary takes a conversational approach to Matthew’s Gospel account. This is a commentary for every one interested in understanding the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is not an effort from an academician, as Mike Spaulding is a pastor and radio Bible teacher, not a seminary professor. There are many academic commentaries from people like that if that is what you are looking for. This commentary presents an easy to read and follow explanation directly from the pulpit teachings of Mike Spaulding. It is highly recommended for your personal or group study.

Available on Amazon here or by contacting Mike for an autographed copy – Pastor Mike Spaulding, PO Box 3007, Elida, OH 45807.