Ministry Updates October 31, 2021


Many of you are already aware that Kathy and I recently leased office space for The Transforming Word Ministries (Dr. Mike Live, Soaring Eagle Radio, The Transforming Word radio program, The Verum Monitae Report). God is growing the ministry and we simply could not continue to operate out of our home.

Here is a quick update on our office project:

Kathy and I moved all of our ministry materials from our home to the office space yesterday. We had to remove a lot of things left there by the previous tenant. We are able to use two desks left there but will likely replace those in the future.

We also purchased monitors, desktop and laptop computers, and a printer yesterday. We will be looking at lighting, soundproofing, and equipment to interface with our camera and computers now.
We appreciate your continued prayers, support, and friendship. We live in a time ripe for the advancement of His truth and He is providing those open doors.
Last week I joined Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on Steve Quayle’s Q Files program. We had a great conversation. That interview is only available to subscribers.
There is a lot of talk about the “jab” and the mark of the beast. I created a three-part series on the mark of the beast exclusively for You can watch those episodes there if you are a subscriber.
I also want to let you know that another platform will begin broadcasting all of our content – Dr. Mike Live, Soaring Eagle Radio, and The Transforming Word radio show. Shake and Wake radio is an internet-based platform that recently reached out to me about airing our content. Thank you, Father!
We will be streaming Dr. Mike Live on The Gatekeepers Online platform starting November 1. CEO of Gatekeepers, Jeff Dornick, says live chat functionality is available. That has been a drawback for streaming on other platforms as viewers do enjoy chatting with one another during the show.
Rob Pue, editor and publisher of the Wisconsin Christian News has blessed me by asking me to co-host his live weekly show on WCN TV – You may join us every Tuesday at 6 pm EST for the one hour show. I will be hosting on November 9, 16, and 30.
I will be joining Michele Swinick today (October 29) at 4 pm EST on her live broadcast to discuss what Christians must do right now. You may listen live via this link
The Hidden Day Prophecy Conference – How Close Are We? – is scheduled for next weekend, November 5-7. There is still time to register at Speakers include Dr. Andy Woods, Pastor Billy Crone, Doug Woodward, LA Marzulli, Jeff Kinley, Olivier Melnick, Pastor Niel Peterson, David Paxton, Pastor Caspar McCloud, Christ Taylor, David Heavener, Mark Sutherland, Brett Bohl, and me. Live streaming is available.
We will have another announcement about a guest appearance once confirmed. Excited about this one.
I am on Instagram (thetransformingword), Rumble (ccpastormike), Clouthub (ccpastormike), MeWe (Mike Spaulding), Brighteon (ccpastormike), Bitchute (ccpastormike), Brand New Tube (ccpastormike), and GAB (ccmike), as well as Facebook (for now), YouTube (three channels to avoid complete censor when they issue us strikes). My websites include, and
Thank you for connecting on these sites and sharing the content.
Please let Kathy or me know how we can be praying for you through the contact form.

Blessings to you in Jesus,

Pastor Mike