SER 69 – Gregg Jackson – Bringing the Light of the Gospel to Every Area of Life


The Lord Jesus Christ instructed his followers to go into all the world and make disciples, teaching them to obey the Lord’s commands. For American Christians that effort starts in our homes with our children and families. No area of life is off-limits to the Gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. That means our vocations, personal interests, and even our interaction with society must be informed by the Gospel.

This episode of SER is a wide-ranging conversation with my friend Gregg Jackson. It was recorded prior to the recent US election.

Gregg’s bio

Gregg Jackson is the national best-selling author of Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies: Issue by Issue Responses to the Most Common Claims of the Left from A to Z and We Won’t Get Fooled Again: Where the Christian Right Went Wrong and How to Make America Right Again, former radio host on WRKO in Boston and KDAR in Los Angeles, an accomplished speaker who speaks to groups on college campuses nationwide, and writer whose articles have been published in The Wall St. Journal, Washington Times, Human Events, and His newest book is, 40 Things to Teach Your Children Before You Die: The Simple American Truths about Life, Family & Faith (Dunham Books, August, 2014).

Gregg’s website – 
