SER 55 – Dr. Bill Warner – What Islam Really Is


Bill Warner


All Islamic doctrine is based on the words of Allah and the Sunna of Mohammed.

Allah is found in the Koran and Mohammed is found in the Sira, which is his biography, and the Hadith, which is the traditions surrounding Mohammed’s life. All of Islam is based on the KoranSira, and Hadith. If it is in this Trilogy of documents, it is Islam. If it is not in this Trilogy, then it is not Islam. Therefore if you desire to know Islam, you must know the Trilogy.

There is an inherent problem in knowing the Trilogy however.  The problem is that the  KoranSira, and Hadith were designed to be difficult to understand. There is only one way for them to be understood — they must be viewed as a systemic whole, not three separate books.

Dr. Warner’s bio

Dr. Bill Warner, is the director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam (CSPI). CSPI’s goal is to teach the doctrine of political Islam, and through that effort inform and educate. It accomplishes that goal primarily through books, videos, and lectures. The Center’s website is

About the Center for the Study of Political Islam

The Center for the Study of Political Islam is a group of scholars who are devoted to the scientific study of the foundational texts of Islam—Koran, Sira (life of Mohammed) and Hadith (traditions of Mohammed). There are two areas to study in Islam, its doctrine and history, or as CSPI sees it—the theory and its results. CSPI focuses on the history Isalm to see the practical or experimental results of the doctrine.
