SER 50 – Stephanie Sledge and Jack Mullen – America’s Vanishing Freedoms


Stephanie and Jack


It happened almost without notice. America of the 1950’s was not a perfect place by any means but it was still a safe place, children received a good education, fathers were able to earn a living and support their families without their wives abandoning their children to day cares or fending for themselves at home while mom worked to make ends meet.
Even television, the current cesspool of every perversion imaginable, portrayed sound cultural, family, and might I say clearly, Judeo-Christian values.
What happened to America? You might be surprised to hear that the transformation we have witnessed in America was a strategic plan brilliantly carried out by globalists whose end game is the complete destruction of liberty, freedom, and the forced servitude of Americans to a global economy and political structure.
This episode of SER is my conversation with Stephanie Sledge and Jack Mullen of The Government Rag.  It is a hard-hitting and honest look at America today, what the future holds, and what we can and should be doing in response.

Government Rag website – 
