SER 35 – LA Marzulli – The Days of Chaos Are Here




People around the world are increasingly asking this question, “What in the world is happening?”  Tornados, floods, and earthquakes are overshadowed by governments at war with their own citizens, whether by bullet or judicial activism.

Nations around the world are bracing for what is being viewed as the run-up to WWIII, as the Russian and Chinese military rush into the vacuum created by the ineptitude of President Barack Hussein Obama’s foreign policy.

These truly are the Days of Chaos. The larger question looms – Are these the days that precede the coming of the Son of Man, Yeshua, Jesus Christ?

This episode of SER is my conversation with LA Marzulli about his new book Days of Chaos, his latest DVD release in the Watchers Series, and current events.



LA Marzulli is an author, researcher, and filmmaker. His books, On The Trail of the Nephilim and film series on DVD – The Watchers – have expanded the discussion of the supernatural realm into the mainline churches. For this alone we owe LA a hearty thank you.

His latest book and the springboard for our conversation today is Days of Chaos.




  1. Interestin how clever. I question this mans true agenda. He quotes the Bible verse regarding them who come in Christs name and deceiveth many. This in fact also aplies to Marzulli. Christ said follow me!!! Not others, not priests, pastors, rabbis, authors and any so called experts. barack Obama is the Son of Perdition and the Lawless one. Be guided by the Holy Ghost and NOT men.

    • Hi Jandre:

      Thank you for taking the time to listen and write. I agree with you that we are to follow God and not man. Nothing in this interview would give any Christian the idea that Mr. Marzulli was advocating that people follow him, other authors, priests, pastors, or rabbis. Perhaps you have have an agenda against Mr. Marzulli?


  2. Having been baptized into Messiah (Romans 6) and desiring to do His will, He commands through His Apostle my course of action in response to the Chaos:

    “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:1-4

    This is what God our Saviour has expected His people to do since this command was given, whether it is a time of chaos or not. Sadly, when hearing the many reports of present day troubles by the various Christian reporters, I am never exhorted to simply do His revealed will. His people need to be continually reminded of this command from the pulpit, over the airwaves and from my lips.

    Thank you for your time,

  3. I have worked and ministered with L.A. Marzulli for a number of years. We have travelled together to undisclosed locations doing research unlike those who research merely from others expeditions from their computers. We have been guest speakers at a number of events and conferences. Marzulli is a true spirit-filled born again believer and quite simply a brilliant author/speaker and man of God doing what the Lord told his followers to do. (John 14:12)

    • Hi Caspar:

      Thanks for dropping a note friend. LA is a wonderful brother and inspiration to us all to keep contending.



  4. Who I am is most unimportant. There is a burial mound ( farm country, more cattle and sheep than people.) about 5 miles from where I live. Horses graze on it. Measuring 20 feet high by 200 ft long and 100 ft wide. The mound is in a farm plane there is nothing like it for 20 miles at least. The mound has trees(sparse) and grass with some big boulders strewn about.The river is about 200 feet from the mound furthermore, about 40 miles from here, in montrose,Pa. several giant skeleton were dug up(in the 1840’s) measuring 8ft. One skull had horns protruding an inch or so… also of note, check Washington and Lee university’s seismology dept. regarding August 23′ 2011 so called earthquake, which damaged the Washington Monument. Virginia Tech along with the aforementioned Wash.&Lee stated that the acclaimed earthquake was actually a nuke. There are fingerprints which verify a nuke and a nuke only! There was a double nuke fingerprint under the Denver airport complex the DUMB goes down several miles… with mag rails and as you well know a series of ramps leading to an E-W 8 (four &four)lane highway which is also severalthousand feet beneath terra firma. The nukes going off was a fact. But why? Since the powers that be could not stop the truth of actual nukes going off,the newsmedia presernted the lies. The intel.( the 16 or so intel groups were fed disinformation as well. he lie that the nukes were the result of infighting amongst various alphabet organizations. I’m assuming that this is going to L.A. Marzulli. The Powers That Be,are the handful in each of the 20 or so intel branches or should I say tenticles that run the ‘SHOW’. Those ‘ in the know’ are well aware that Seth Rich’s shooting in Wash D.C. was a botched ‘hit’ that was finally finished in the hospital by a wet team later that night.Rich had minor gunshot wounds from which he would have had a 99% chance of surviving. Rich was the one who gave Assange the DNC e-mails, not the Russians or any intel group. Back to the motive for the nuking of the exit (massive 6 ft thick with myriad electrical controls– failproof ! But the specs did not factor in the Giants, who used a 10,000 lb. battering ram (In the Denver DUMB) to almost escape into the Colorado countryside,which area is somewhat sparse with people. However, within a matter of hours whole towns would be defenseless and eaten, at least gnawed on and worse — for these sons of Anak. Actually thereare at least a dozen variants , with the varied heights of 10-50ft and some alittle more, even 60 ft., weighing in at between 1200– 6,000 lbs. a piece. The Giants that Joshua and Caleb encountered upon entering the Promised Land were 40- 60-ft tall like cedar trees. During the forty year diaspora the 30-60footers were thrown out of the middle east with plagues- stinging Asian hornets, which at that time were about 4-5 inches long and stung their eyes and ears any exposed soft tissue. Many were killed by great 100 lb hailstones which moved some to europe and South and North America. I have a freind (Brian McClain, who lived in the mtns of Equador for three years after Duke University) who has some interesting stories ther are artifacyt at 9,000 ft where he lived those three years. When the Hebrews came back to the holy land, only the 15-18 foot variants were still around. You have to understand how the U.S. Gov’t brought back the Sons of Anak etc. Allthat remained in this modern era were the 10-12 footers safely ensconced in underground ( near heat vents) bases ,which the Nazis were brought into… another rabbit hole. Our Gov’t the GermaNS and the Russian with Argentina were given flash frozen Rephaim– the original Giants who roamed the earth prior to Noah’s flood. Prior to the flood a mile thick canopy of ice enclosed the earth the canopy was a little bit more than 100,000 ft above the earth, shielding the harmful radiation. The earth was a giant hyperbaric chamber and all that entails.The meteorites (Grand Canyon) broke the ice canopy. The ice flash froze all living things on the surface.So, in Antarcica the usa has all species which were on terra firma prior to the flood. To bring the species back required harvested eggs from women erego the abduction in the 60’s and 70’s.Then, after removing eggs from the abductees they reinsered the now fertilized egg back into the reabducted women and let same gestate for 3 month’s time whereupon the final gestation took place in underground labs. They even brought back (with much failure at firs)Centaurs and all their variants in between.Yes even dragons that breath fire! What, you think only cows eat grass and fart out the methane. Well, the dragons have methane coming out of a 3rd nostril an almost endless supply of methane only curbed by a lack of rich grasses. The largest( there are about 2 dozen variants in size and shape) have 100 ft wingspans. And need thermals (that were world wide prior to the flood .Earth’s temp was a constant 72-76 during the day EVERYWHERE) to stay aloft. Their lung capacity is inefficient to anything for more than 15 minutes. Earth’s oxygen level was aprox. 33% prior to the flood.The Nazca Linesa>Daniel.

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