SER 32 – Chris Townsend – Ekklesia Rising


Chris Townsend

Chris Townsend is a passionate faith and business leader calling for a New Reformation. With a compassion to see the manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven, Chris recommends a strategic about-face from the faith community. He believes that the Church is unprepared to sustain the revival that it has been so hopefully praying for. He says “The Western Church is hemorrhaging believers. Why? Amongst other things, we have neglected discipleship and the cultural mandate to manifest a community based on the principles of His Kingdom. Simultaneously we spend the bulk of our efforts rebuking unbelievers and fighting amongst ourselves. Until we create a system, an infrastructure, prepared to sustain the influx of converts that we are asking God for, and until we are prepared to respond appropriately to the increasingly pluralistic, syncretic, and atheistic environment, we are unprepared to receive the gift of a bountiful harvest that accompanies revival. Nevertheless, God has a plan, and it is very attainable.”

Episode 32 of SER is my interview with Chris Townsend author of Ekklesia Rising.

Chris’s Bio

Chris Townsend travelled the all too familiar road of early childhood Christian influence that was rejected. This of course led to a strong agnosticism , contempt toward Christians as a teenager, and ultimately depression, despair, and drugs .

By God’s grace in the fall of 2004 Chris began attending Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas where he graduated with a double major degree in Supply Chain Management and Business Information Systems.

Through a series of events that only God could orchestrate Chris found himself surrounded by a strong evangelical community, being influenced by the compassion and care of his fellow employees. This lead Chris to surrender himself to Christ as his Savior and Lord.

One of God’s many gifts to Chris is his wife Maranatha. She had played a primary role in his initial encounters with God and, to this day, strengthens his walk daily. Within a year God called Chris once again, and Chris and Maranatha decided that it was time for him to study the Bible in an official capacity. Trusting God, and with the support of his wife, Chris left his job to attend Christ for the Nations Institute. The next year he would begin seeking a Master’s of Theology from Liberty University.

Chris is the author of Ekklesia Rising, in The New Reformation Series. In this book Chris speaks of transforming the Church and transforming culture. He believes that through a strategic plan the Church can once again impact a scattered and despondent nation.

Chris’s website is




  1. One of the best conversations I’ve heard related to the culture of the church in America, from where it is and where it should be. The discussion about the dualism and compartmentalization nails it. And I loved the conversation about the Kingdom being missional for us here, now, on the earth. Great interview, and I’m looking forward to getting the book.

    • Hi Doug:

      Thank you for listening and for your feedback. Enjoyed the discussion with Chris as well. He has a keen interest and passion for living the faith and teaching others.

      Blessings friend,


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