SER 30 – Greg Hammond – Mystic Seduction


Greg Hammond


Author Greg Hammond’s book, “Mystic Seduction: Awakening Christians to a Real and Present Danger,” addresses a growing concern he has had for several years, namely the steady drift away from Christianity and toward a mystical, non-Christian theology and doctrine best described as monism.

Under the guise of achieving a higher spirituality, practices derived from pagan and Eastern mysticism are being introduced and encouraged among Christians. The ultimate goal behind this seductive takeover of Christian beliefs is to move Christian theology toward Eastern and Gnostic concepts, thus preparing it for the merger of all faiths into a single, worldwide religion.

Episode 30 of SER is my interview with Greg Hammond.

Greg’s Bio

Greg Hammond holds a bachelor’s degree in history and a master’s degree in social sciences. Along with his wife Shannon, he currently works as a college campus minister. In addition to his campus responsibilities, he is an ordained minister and currently pastors a nondenominational, independent church.

Greg’s website is –
