SER 3 – Katherine Albrecht – Privacy? Not in the New American Surveillance State


Katherine Albrecht

Surveillance has become a multi-billion dollar business.  Governments and corporations have made data collection a top priority.

Recently Senator Rand Paul was excoriated by the media and colleagues on both sides of the aisle, for his filibuster aimed at delaying a renewal of the Patriot Act that contains among other things what are described as illegal spying operations and mass data collection efforts of the most private and personal communications of American citizens.

Flying more under the radar was the recent passage of the Freedom Act which curtailed the so-called “section 215” bulk collection of telephone metadata such as who called whom but it did not stop the NSA from collecting and reading the content of the calls.

Is there really any privacy when it comes to your personal communications whether through email, telephone, or online conversations?

You might be surprised by the answers to these questions and many more. SER 3 is an interview with Dr. Katherine Albrecht.





  1. I think we could hear more about refusing to use “free” services and moving more of our lives offline and away from corporate control. StartPage is one of the search engines I use. I didn’t know they had email services as well. Last year, I began de-Googling my life and moved email services to a German company. Whether someone believes these chips are the mark of the beast or not, they are a control mechanism, and so is a move to using debit or credit cards. When possible, carry cash and use it. Some banks are charging fees for holding your money, which is essentially a negative interest rate! It makes more sense to store your most liquid funds in cash in your home (fireproof) safe. Plus, you’ll end up spending less money, incidentally. It’s easier to stay on a budget using actual hard cash.

    Some 4 former drone operators spoke about the indiscriminate murder in the US military use of drones, and while they weren’t charged, their bank accounts were frozen. Free speech won’t be very free for much longer.

    • Hi Doug:

      Sound counsel my friend. Thanks for listening and sharing your experiences with folks.

      God bless you.

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