SER 26 – Pastor Brian Chilton – The Value of a Well-Trained Mind


Brian Chilton

Jesus said that His disciples should pay attention to the times they live in and from the things they see happening in their world discern His return.

An eye on prophecy and a mind trained to discern the times is sorely lacking in the Church today. Instead of studying the Scriptures as workman most pastors are busy feeding cotton-candy to a sugar dependent flock of sheep.

What must we do as believers living in these times? Can we turn this current tide of anti-intellectualism and awaken the Church that is a sleeping giant to the power at its disposal?

This episode of SER is my interview with Pastor Brian Chilton.


Brian Chilton is pastor of Huntsville Baptist Church

He is a graduate of Fruitland Baptist Bible Institute, has a Bachelor of Science in Religious Studies and Philosophy from Gardner-Webb University, and is currently working towards a Masters of Divinity degree in Theological Studies at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, Lynchburg, VA.

Many listeners know Pastor Brian from his online apologetic ministry – where he posts articles related to theology, apologetics, and current events from a Christian theistic worldview.

Pastor Brian’s YouTube Channel here and his radio program Redeeming Truth Radio here.




  1. Apologetics is so important. I remember how I got into apologetics because I was challenged by an atheist at work at 3 am in the morning to 6 am and I didn’t have answers to his questions then. So, I ended up reading Frank Turek’s “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist”, Lee STrobel’s books, Ravi Zacharias, Hank Hanegraaf, and many, many other both lay and well-known. So I understand Pastor’s story

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