SER 210 – We Will Not Be Silenced – Dr. Erwin Lutzer


Today, there are calls for evangelicals to remake Christianity into a more inclusive religion. There are widespread efforts to make the narrow door wider and to even affirm the salvation of well-meaning people of other religions. So-called progressive Christians advance their causes under the banner of love and compassion. In the process, the hard truths of Christianity are either redefined or ignored. This is not a strategy that will enable the Christian faith to advance in this republic. It is instead, a sure recipe for compromise and worse.

In his new book, We Will Not Be Silenced, Dr. Erwin Lutzer prepares believers to live out their convictions against a growing tide of hostility.

This episode is my conversation with Dr. Lutzer.


Dr. Erwin Lurtzer is pastor emeritus of The Moody Church, where he served as senior pastor for 36 years. He is the award-winning author of One Minute After You Die and Hitler’s Cross, as well as the featured speaker on three radio programs, heard on more than 750 national and international outlets.

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