SER 195 – Pete Hendrickson – Cracking the Code: The Fascinating Truth About Taxation in America


The US Internal Revenue Code has been ridiculed, feared, and despised by virtually everyone. And why not? A presented by the Internal Revenue Service, the code appears illogical, inconsistent, and incomprehensible. As presented, the code defies practically the entire Bill of Rights – requiring citizens to testify against themselves, allowing searches and seizures without warrants, levying fines and penalties without trials and imposing a tax on the basic right to earn a living. As presented, the IRC would appear to turn everything we all thought we had learned in grade school English and Civics on its head.

Is it possible that we all just misunderstood those simple lessons? Maybe. But researcher, analyst, and scholar Peter. E. Hendrickson believes that after reading Cracking the Code, you’ll agree that what has been misunderstood is the 3,413,780 word monstrosity itself – and how, and to whom, it applies.

This episode of SER is my conversation with Pete about the fraud perpetrated upon Americans and what you can do about it.

Pete’s website for all the information you need to become an educated filer as well as how to purchase his books here.
