SER 17 – LA Marzulli – On the Trail of the Nephilim


LA Marzulli

Before the dawn of time, ancient beings descended from the heavens and claimed the earth as their own. They eventually intermingled with human beings, thus creating a hybrid species cited in many ancient texts known as the Nephilim. Today, evidence proving their existence is quietly ignored by most mainstream scientists and yet it continues to be discovered.

Sound crazy?  You haven’t heard anything yet. Episode 17 of SER is my interview with LA Marzulli.

LA Marzulli is an author, lecturer and film maker. He has penned eight books including The Nephilim Trilogy which made the Christian Booksellers Association best sellers list, his current work On the Trail of the Nephilim books 1 & 2, and the Watchers DVD series produced with Richard Shaw. LA received an honorary doctorate from Pacific International University for his research.

LA’s website for more information – here.

LA’s books here.






  1. Wow!!! This was interesting and very enlightening. I will be listening again just to make sure I got it. Explains and makes sense of a lot of things.

    • Hi Anna:

      Thanks for listening and for the feedback. I have LA scheduled for another interview mid-October to dicsuss his latest book. Should be very good.

  2. I have been a fan of L.A. Marzulli for a couple of years now. I think his work is divinely inspired and essential in order to fully understand the nature of God, especially in light of the events of the OT. Another valuable bible teacher is Chuck Missler. He also teaches on Genesis 6 and the Nephilim. For people with a mindset toward science, Chuck will be even more fascinating, because he weaves in science very strategically. These men opened my eyes to the bible in ways I would have never imagined and helped me understand the God I love and how perfect his plans for mankind truly are. There is a spiritual war going, of which most people, and sadly most Christians have no concept. The Cosmic Chess Match, indeed. The modern church spends far too much time sidetracked and/or being seduced into secular reasoning. Yes, it’s good to learn the basics. Yes, it’s good to worship. But without sound doctrine and teaching, are you sure you understand who it is you worship and why? I think men like L.A. Marzulli and Chuck Missler, and Gary Stearman, and their peers, are teaching what is missing in most churches – the meat and the foundation upon which everything else in scripture and prophecy is built. I will be looking forward to the next podcast with L.A.

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