SER 143 – Jon Robberson – The United States Government’s Tyrannical Plan to Silence Us


George Orwell famously wrote that, “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”

Orwell is viewed by many as a prophet of a rising tyranny that is inevitable among a free people who refuse to remain vigilant in the protection of it.

Censorship is one of several powerful weapons in the modern political state’s arsenal. The organized crime syndicate commonly known as the United States Federal Government, aided and abetted by media behemoths, has moved American citizens perilously close to the future Orwell envisioned.

Just how bad is it you ask? It is worse than most Americans think. Stay tuned for my conversation with my friend Jon Robberson next in this episode of SER.

Jon Robberson is the Producer of The Hagmann Report and is the co-host along with Joe Hagmann of The Hagmann Daily Report.

The article Jon wrote – Tech Tyrants Collude With Homeland Security “Media Influencers” Are the Target. 

The Hagmann Report here.
