SER 141 – Bill Salus – Seeing the Middle East Through Ezekiel 38-39, Jeremiah 49, and Psalm 83 Part 1


Israel is God’s timepiece, that much is clear from the Scripture. Some, however, refuse to see the prophecies yet to be fulfilled concerning Israel, as proof that God is finished with His people. Friends, listen to me – the church is not Israel! The church is not now nor ever has been the recipient of God’s promises to Israel. The Abrahamic, as well as the Davidic Covenants, have a yet future fulfillment.

Because some people refuse to see that God is not done with Israel, they are confused about the Middle East turmoil, the supernatural intrigue, which continues unabated to this very day. What can we learn about the present, and what many believe to be the near future concerning Israel, Iran, Syria, and even Russia? We will sort all of this out today with my guest Bill Salus, in this episode of SER.

Bill’s website here.
