False Israel? Fake Jews? The Poison Pill of Conspiracy


I received another email recently from someone claiming that current Israel is not biblical Israel. The writer further stated that the people we call the Jews today are not Jews at all. The typical rant ensued about the wickedness of modern Israel, Zionism, the Mossad, and the Ashkenazi Jews who control the world. Normally embedded in the rant is some expletive about Israel controlling America.

I receive these types of emails berating me for being so naïve, blind, deceived, and several other things I can’t print, all because I support the modern state of Israel and its right to exist in her land without constant threat of terrorism.

By the tone and content of most of these emails I wonder if the authors are saved, born-again, spirit filled believers in Jesus Christ. The biggest reason for my concern for these individuals is their denial of what the Bible says and their belief in what the Bible doesn’t say. Let me explain.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God will establish a fake Israel in her ancestral land. As hard as some people work to argue that modern Israel is not biblical Israel, they cannot formulate a convincing defense of their belief. The reason is clear – arguing against what the Bible declares God will do in the end of days is a losing argument every time. The same is true for the people we call the Jews. Elaborate arguments are offered that seek to destroy any belief that the Israelites of today are biblical Jews. Again, the argument is not supported biblically.

These same individuals assign no significance to the rise of the nation of Israel in 1948. According to these people, this modern miracle was not the handiwork of God in fulfillment of His many promises to return His people to their land just before He destroys His enemies. They attribute the entire event to conspiracy. It was the global banking cartel headed by the Rothschilds. Modern Israel is the brainchild of evil Zionists who seek to control the world. It was the result of wicked dispensationalists such as Darby, Scofield, and Moody.

The truth is that the modern state of Israel is biblical Israel. God has and continues to call His people Israel back to their land and all of this is in preparation for the rise of Antichrist, and the Tribulation period, which is clearly focused on Israel. Read Daniel 9:24-27, which states unequivocally that the Tribulation period is about Daniel’s people, his holy city, and the process by which God brings His people into saving faith. Zechariah 12 and 14 come into play here as does Ezekiel 38-39 war. All of this is end of days language. It is a travesty that people who write lengthy diatribes against Israel and the Jews do not spend the same amount of time studying what the Bible says instead of their favorite YouTube scholars and so-called truthers.

To all my brothers and sisters – stay focused on the Lord Jesus, His Word, and the reality of His soon return. The naysayers, doubters, and critics will soon be shown to be in serious error by Jesus Himself.

Pastor Mike


Photo courtesy Carlos on Pixabay