What Is Free Grace Theology?

Free Grace Theology Has Emerged over the Last 35 Years Although Free Grace theology goes back to the Lord Jesus and to His Apostles—and it...

SER 207 – Spiritual Warfare, Doors, and Portals – Dr. Etienne Graves

Hi friends! My guest for this episode of SER is Dr. Etinne Graves. He is the author of Unveiling Secrets From Eden's Garden, Demons,...

SER 206 – Two Masters and Two Gospels – Dr. Mike Bennett

Dr. Mike Bennett joins me for part 1 of a multi-part conversation. Mike's new book, "Two Masters and Two Gospels: The Teaching of Jesus...

SER 203 – Faith in Difficult Times – Preston and Kelly Condra

Sufficient Word Ministries is the full-time ministry of Preston and Kelly Condra.  Its purpose is to edify, increase, and equip the church using the...

SER 201 – My Fame His Fame – Thann Bennett

Habakkuk 3:2 says: “LORD, I have heard of Your fame: I stand in awe of Your deeds, LORD. Repeat them in our day, in...

SER 198 – Ever Reforming – Dr. Andy Woods

The Reformation produced many benefits to the Church. However, the Reformers did not go far enough. Where did they stop? What more needed to be addressed? We will answer those questions and more in this episode of Soaring Eagle Radio.