SER 107 – Brother Man & Emily – Understanding the Times in Which We...
The land of the free and the home of the brave has of late become the land of the deceived, deluded, deranged, and deep...
SER 106 – George Carneal – From Queer to Christ: My Journey Into the...
Christian allies of the LGBT community may feel they are being a “good Christian” by supporting and affirming this “lifestyle.” While we should have...
SER 105 – Israel Wayne – Education: Does God Have An Opinion?
The average public school student will spend an average of 14,000 hours in a classroom before they graduate. This includes a great number of...
SER 104 – Ted Vanlandeghem – MAOZ Israel Ministries
Maoz Israel Ministries is a Messianic Jewish non-profit organization founded in 1976, and whose ministry headquarters is based in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Its founders, Ari...
SER 103 – Tom Dunn & Jared Chrestman – Detestable the Movie and the...
There are thousands upon thousands of people in America alone, that have suffered unimaginable horrors at the hands of family, friends, and of course...
SER 102 – William Ramsey – Aleister Crowley: Luciferian Disciple Maker
Evil never takes a break, never tires of ruining lives, always seeks to leave a visible trail of chaos in its wake. This is...
SER 101 – John. B. Wells – Separating Truth From Lies
How important is the accuracy of the information you take in every day? Have you ever considered that the American media generally speaking, has...
SER 100 – Natalina – Celebrating God’s Faithfulness
That's right! Episode number 100! When Soaring Eagle Radio launched in June 2015, 100 episodes was the farthest thing from my thinking. I have...
SER 99 – Mark Sutherland – Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies
My good friend from "across the pond" Mark Sutherland, joins me in this episode of SER. Mark is the producer of Between Lambs and...
SER 98 – Bill Warner – Islam Is a Political Satanic Ideology
Leftists in America have taken over our educational system and as a result of this takeover, have facilitated the introduction and spread of Political...
SER 97 – Liz Crokin – Exposing the Wickedness of Pedophilia
The wickedness of pedophilia has been exposed for the world to see. Governments and powerful individuals are attempting to silence the outcry because they...
SER 96 – Craig Hill – Money Management With Godly Wisdom
Finances and Christianity, do they mix well together? Did you know that Jesus spend a lot of time discussing money. One author suggests that...
SER 95 – Joel Richardson – Mystery Babylon: Unlocking the Bible’s Greatest Prophetic Mystery
The longest prophecy in the NT is Revelation chapters 17-18. This prophecy has also received more wide-spread commentary and analysis than any other. Opinions...
SER 94 – Thomas Goehle – America’s Post-Christian Apocalypse
From the back cover of the book “America’s Post-Christian Apocalypse: How Secular Modernism Marginalized Christianity and the Peril of Leaving God Behind at the...
SER 93 – Pastor Caspar McCloud – What Was I Thinking?
Your thoughts mold your lifestyle and shape your mental, physical, relational, and emotional health. What shape are you in?
This episode of SER is my...