SER 32 – Chris Townsend – Ekklesia Rising
Chris Townsend is a passionate faith and business leader calling for a New Reformation. With a compassion to see the manifestation of the Kingdom...
SER 31 – Stephanie Sledge – Witnesses To The Overthrow of America
Living in America in 2015 is an Orwellian adventure. We are witnessing the attempted overthrow of America. That statement will no doubt elicit howls...
SER 30 – Greg Hammond – Mystic Seduction
Author Greg Hammond's book, "Mystic Seduction: Awakening Christians to a Real and Present Danger," addresses a growing concern he has had for several years,...
SER 29 – John Adams – The CIA and Drugs
The Central Intelligence Agency or CIA as it is most commonly referred to, is the arm of the US government tasked with protecting American...
SER 28 – Jay Dyer – Hegelian Dialectic and Other Methods of Control
The intentional process of radical social change demands continual tension or crisis. In the book, Readings in Social Psychology by Theodore Newcomb and Eugene...
SER 27 – Dr. Andy Bannister – The Atheist Who Didn’t Exist
One of the clearest distinguishing characteristics of the so-called new atheism, is its moral certitude. Richard Dawkins, the late Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett ,and...
SER 26 – Pastor Brian Chilton – The Value of a Well-Trained Mind
Jesus said that His disciples should pay attention to the times they live in and from the things they see happening in their world...
SER 25 – Debra Rae – The Enemy Within the Gates
Alexis De Tocqueville famously noted, “There is no country in the world where the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of...
SER 24 – Derek Gilbert – Leading by Example
What an honor and blessing it is to interview Derek Gilbert. He is one of the reasons I started SER - to "talk the...
SER 23 – Greg West – The Poached Egg
Have you ever found yourself engaged in conversation with a friend, neighbor, or co-worker and have the conversation turn on a dime to spiritual...
SER 22 – John Stonestreet – Social Upheaval And A Christian Response
The recent SCOTUS decision that had the net effect of legalizing same-sex marriage in all 50 states was based on nothing more than the...
SER 21 – Lenny Esposito – The Necessity of a Biblical Worldview
An article by Dr. Del Tackett recently caught my attention. In it he shared information about the current state of the Christian Church concerning...
SER 20 – Julian Charles – Thinking Christianly In An Age of Misinformation
The Apostle Paul writing to the Christians living in Rome encouraged them to, “not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the...
SER 19 – Cal Beisner – The Radical Religion of Environmentalism
Today, one of the most dangerous forces threatening the Church and free, just, societies is the environmental movement.
No longer recognizable as the common-sense, people-friendly,...
SER 18 – Cheryl Chumley – Moral Foundations & Judicial Activism
The recent Supreme Court decision that declared homosexual marriage to be the law of the land was not unexpected. It did reveal however, just...