SER 47 – Mark Goodwin – Behold Darkness and Sorrow – Seven Cows, Ugly...
Have you considered what would happen in the event a prolonged electrical outage occurred in your area? What if the electrical outage was not...
SER 46 – Bradlee Dean – Awakening America to Our Liberties and Freedoms
There is no disputing the fact that America is in a tail-spin morally, socially, and certainly economically. The nation has been led by unrighteous,...
SER 45 – Rick Wiles – Staying True To The Good News
Life today has become a 24/7 media cornucopia. News is available around the clock from multiple resources. People in most nations view or listen...
SER 44 – Catherine Austin Fitts – Exposing a Fraudulent System and Offering a...
Corruption seems to be the new normal today. What we do in the face of such wide spread evil? What actions can we and...
SER 43 – Nancy Pearcey – Finding Truth
In Mere Christianity, CS Lewis noted that, “Nearly all that we call human history... is one long terrible story of man trying to find...
SER 42 – Mark Combs – End the Beginning
Noah, the Ark, and a world-wide flood are hot topics once again. Hollywood has offered their take on Noah as well as other biblical...
SER 41 – Andy Jennings – A Prophetic Voice of Dissent
The band Dissident Prophet has created their own musical genre and it is without peer. If you spend any amount of time listening to...
SER 40 – Dr. Thomas Woodward – Evolution: An Inadequate Philosophical Speculation
The year 1859 witnessed many remarkable and noteworthy events. For example:
Brahm’s 1st piano concerto (in D minor) premiered in Hanover, Germany.
The Codex...
SER 39 – Doug Overmyer – Seers See
Doug Overmyer is an author, blogger, podcaster, and friend. His latest work - Seers See - is dedicated to the supernatural realm and helping...
SER 38 – Mark Hamby – Building Christ-Like Character One Story At A Time
This episode is my conversation with Mark Hamby, founder and President of Lamplighter Ministries International (LMI).
One division of LMI is Lamplighter Theatre, a riveting...
SER 37 – Garth Kennedy – The History of the English Bible Part 1
The history of the English Bible is a wonderful story of God causing His people to persevere through many trials including martyrdom, to provide...
SER 36 – Russell Hunter – Abolish Human Abortion
The first abolitionists were the first Christians. Though they did not employ the term “Abolitionist,” the earliest followers of Christ certainly engaged in the...
SER 35 – LA Marzulli – The Days of Chaos Are Here
People around the world are increasingly asking this question, “What in the world is happening?” Tornados, floods, and earthquakes are overshadowed by governments at...
SER 34 – Brian Godawa – An Eye Toward The Supernatural
From the time of Enoch through the time of Christ giants roamed the earth. Sound like fiction? You won’t think so if you read...
SER 33 – Sean McDowell – Tackling Tough Cultural Issues
1 Peter 3:15 says, “but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to...