SER 77 – Jan Markell – Understanding the Times We Live In
One of the primary characteristics of the end times that the Bible so often speaks about, is the unmistakable capacity of so many people...
SER 76 – Brannon Howse – Explaining and Exposing End Times Religious Deception
These are turbulent times to be sure. America has been gripped by forces that seem to be determined to lead it to destruction. Politics,...
SER 75 – Josh Tolley – Let Freedom Ring Through Faith, Family, and America
The elected representatives of the people of America have become our enemies. More specifically, every House member and Senator who voted for the National...
SER 74 – Constance Cumbey – Luciferian New Age Infiltration
Few people would argue that the United States of America has undergone significant shifts in just about every area imaginable in the last 50...
SER 73 – Gary Wayne – The Genesis 6 Conspiracy Part 2
There are giants among us, passing largely unnoticed, intent on carrying out a secret plan to enslave all humanity. They may not look like...
SER 72 – Jim Marrs – Population Control: How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us
In facist Italy and Nazi Germany, the State gained control over the corporations. In modern America corporations have gained control over the US Government....
SER 71 – Dr. Jerry Bergman – Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview
In his book Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview, author Dr. Jerry Bergman takes a fresh look at Germany’s most influential Nazi leaders, examining...
SER 70 – Jon Robberson – The Reality of Hollywood
Hollywood is everything that glitters to a good many people. But not everything that glitters is gold. The reality of what Hollywood is can only...
SER 69 – Gregg Jackson – Bringing the Light of the Gospel to Every...
The Lord Jesus Christ instructed his followers to go into all the world and make disciples, teaching them to obey the Lord's commands. For...
SER 68 – Doug Woodward – Russia in Biblical Prophecy: What Should We Expect?
The tug of war over power and control in the Middle East has been a see-saw affair for decades. The atrocities committed in Iran,...
SER 67 – Cheryl Chumley – The Devil in DC: Winning Back the Country...
Government intrusion into our private lives is at an all-time high: unfettered surveillance, massive entitlement programs to redistribute wealth, unelected activist judges trampling religious...
SER 66 – Gary Wayne – The Genesis 6 Conspiracy – Part 1
There are giants among us, passing largely unnoticed, intent on carrying out a secret plan to enslave all humanity. They may not look like...
SER 65 – Bill Salus – The Importance of a Biblical Prophetic Outlook On...
How important is biblical prophecy? There was a time not long ago when many in the church ignored prophecy as a strange mixture of...
SER 64 – Dr. Michael Lake – The Sheeriyth Imperative
From the Introduction of Dr. Michael Lake’s book, The Sherriyth Imperative, we read these words:
“In The Shinar Directive, we journeyed down the Luciferian rabbit...
SER 63 – Coach Dave Daubenmire – Time For A Spiritual Bootcamp
Coach Dave Daubenmire joins me on this episode of Soaring Eagle Radio. We chat about the US Presidential election season, the great need for...