MUST READ for Every Christian and Especially Ministry Leaders


One of the most important aspects of the American War for Independence was the Christian pulpits and patriot preachers who stood in them each week, exhorting the
American colonists in their God-given liberty that was worth fighting for.

The armed force most feared by the British was the Black Robed Regiment — pastors who preached with a Bible in one hand and a newspaper or rifle in the other. The most admired patriot pastor, Peter Muhlenberg, on January 21, 1776 told his congregation: “There is a time for all things; a time to preach and a time to pray, but those times
have passed away. There is a time to fight, and that time has come!”

Never has government so resembled a foreign master. Never have armed enforcers of state and federal tyrants more closely resembled those British redcoats, with their
unquestioning obedience to lawless orders. As Muhlenberg said, that time has come.

Let us take up the cause of Christ and the Constitution, instructing the repentant remnant in their authority so they will perform their duty to enforce the Constitution, which safeguards our Christian liberties.

You may order a signed copy of this important book by sending a donation/ministry gift of $10 which covers the cost of shipping. Send to:

Mike Spaulding

PO Box 3007

Elida, OH 45807