SER 217 – Socialism, Progressivism, Collectivism: They’re All Satanic – Part 1




I found an article by G. Edward Griffin on his site here, that resonated with me in large measure because he explained to readers that the 1950s was a time of exposing the communist infiltration of the government of The United States Inc. As many of you know, that exposure was quickly smothered and what was reported to Congress was suppressed and disappeared. I wrote about the communist infiltration and the wickedness found in most American philanthropic foundations in my contribution to the book Social Injustice: Exposing the False Gospel of the Social Justice Movement.

In this episode of SER, I discuss Griffin’s article and offer some insights from my own research. This is Part 1 of a series that ultimately seeks to explain the answer to the oft-asked question – “What in the world is happening to America?”

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