SER 134 – Dr. Randy White – Ask the Theologian


Dr. Randy White is known for his fervor for studying the Bible and theology and his zeal for proclaiming it.

Randy White Ministries was started in 2011 as an online and radio Bible teaching ministry. Today, the ministry is focused on producing verse-by-verse Bible teaching resources for individuals.

Dr. White regularly leads tours of the Holy Land. A frequent talk radio guest, he is also the author of three books: The Antichrist The Three Statements of Thomas (Randy White Ministries, 2012) and The Faith of Benjamin Franklin (2013), and is working on several current projects.

White is heard weekly on his call-in program, Ask the Theologian, and hosts a popular interactive online Bible study on Thursday nights.

Randy has a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, a Masters of Divinity with Biblical Languages, and a Doctor of Ministry degree. He is the author of The Antichrist and hundreds of online articles (and he’s working on many book projects for the future).

With enthusiasm for dispensational theology, Dr. White launched Dispensational Publishing House in 2015, at this critical hour in church history.As the founder and chief executive officer of DPH, White will have a megaphone through which he can shout his love for dispensational theology—always reminding readers to “question the assumptions.” You may contact him with any questions or ideas regarding the publishing house. It is White’s desire to make DPH the go-to source for sound theology, thought-provoking content from a variety of writers and the latest information—all from the traditional dispensational perspective.
