SER 100 – Natalina – Celebrating God’s Faithfulness


That’s right! Episode number 100! When Soaring Eagle Radio launched in June 2015, 100 episodes was the farthest thing from my thinking. I have to say that it has been a tremendous blessing to talk to so many interesting people, many of which have been repeat guests. None holds the special place that Natalina does however. “Naty Nat” as my wife Kathy calls her was the very first guest on SER. She played a central role in getting SER launched by building the website and answering numerous questions about this podcasting “thing.” Over the last two years Kathy and I have been blessed by her friendship. This 100th episode of SER is about the faith and trust God has built in Natalina’s heart and the strength He has demonstrated on her behalf in the last 1.5 years. It is really Natalina’s testimony of her journey from a difficult place to a peace and rest that overflows with gratitude. Enjoy!

Visit Natalina’s website for all things Naty Nat!  




  1. Pastor Mike,
    Congratulations on reaching 100 episodes of Soaring Eagle Radio – truly a praise worthy event. Having Natalina return for this milestone was very thoughtful – it was obvious that you two enjoyed your conversation.

    I’m not exactly sure when and how I heard of SER, but I’m certain it was orchestrated by the Holy Sprit, as time and time again I’ve been blessed by your interviews. The topics you cover are interesting, educational and thought provoking, and keep me informed of “things” going on that I would likely never hear about were it not for your program. And I’ve never made a list, but you have introduced me to many other ministries that I now turn to for insight and encouragement – thank you.

    In closing, I’d like you to know that I am always looking for the email advising me of your latest interview – I’m now patiently waiting for SER 101.

    Congratulations Pastor Mike. God bless you.

    Securely in Him,

    • Hi Bud:

      Thank you friend for the note of encouragement. I am very blessed by you and others who take the time to listen. God continue to bless you and lead you Bud!


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