SER 95 – Joel Richardson – Mystery Babylon: Unlocking the Bible’s Greatest Prophetic Mystery


The longest prophecy in the NT is Revelation chapters 17-18. This prophecy has also received more wide-spread commentary and analysis than any other. Opinions vary as to the identification of the Great Harlot and the meaning of the beast she rides but one thing is clear: the Scriptures present this prophecy within a context of a literal city.

Is this city Rome, Babylon, Jerusalem, or perhaps New York City? There are arguments for each. However, one candidate for this city of the whore that makes drunk the Kings of the earth is receiving renewed attention. That city is Mecca within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Can it be that Mystery Babylon has arisen on the world stage in our time in the form of Islam and specifically the form of Islam originating from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia known as Wahhabism, also known as Salafism?

Stay tuned for my conversation with author, researcher, and prophecy expert Joel Richardson in this episode of SER.

Joel’s Bio

Joel Richardson is the author of several books including the New York Times bestseller, “The Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth About the Real Nature of the Beast,” “When a Jew Rules the World,”  “Mideast Beast,” and the subject of our conversation today, “Mystery Babylon: Unlocking the Bible’s Greatest Prophetic Mystery.”

Joel directed the World Net Daily film documentary “End Times Witness.” He is an internationally recognized expert on biblical prophecy, the Middle East, and Islam.


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