SER 125 – Frosty Wooldridge – The Truth About Multiculturalism


The never ending call for and trumpeting of diversity and multiculturalism by America’s elites and their brainwashed followers has created a dangerous climate of conflict, confusion, and social turmoil.  According to the main-stream media, most Americans are guilty of racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, nativism, and every other psychological deficiency that keeps us from seeing the wisdom of their view point.

Stay tuned for my conversation about diversity and multiculturalism with author and speaker Frosty Wooldridge in this episode of SER.


Frosty Wooldridge is a graduate of Michigan State University and Grand Valley State University. He worked as a college guidance counselor and as a math and science teacher.  Frosty has been a guest lecturer at Cornell University, a teacher of creative writing workshops, and has presented environmental science lectures at the University of Colorado, University of Denver and Regis University, and lectures on “Religion and Ethics” at Front Range College in Colorado.

Frosty’s website is



  1. Pastor Mike,
    I have a question about these persons who enter the USA (legally or illegally) and have all these children – in their country of origin, is Abortion legalized or is it criminalized? This Nation presently legalizes, promotes, and even funds with taxpayer dollars, the Murder of its unborn citizens. Perhaps the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is filling this land with persons who at least have some sense of duty to have a full quiver (Psalm 127) even if they do serve another god (lower case “g”).

    I wonder if in his many, many miles of cycling through this beautiful land of North America Mr. Wooldridge ever heard the voice of the blood of the Aborted crying out from the ground? I’m sure he never has…most don’t…but God does!

    Sadly, in the list of heroes mentioned there was one who apparently isn’t worth the breath to speak His name – Jesus of Nazareth, who is the Christ. But I guess He can’t fix this problem, or so it would seem.

    Pastor Mike, how do you council your congregation to respond to the facts presented by Mr. Wooldridge? I am in all sincerity interested in your response – I am saved by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and I (and all listeners to this program who are Christ’s) need to know from the text of Scripture what my righteous response should be to all this.

    Thank you for your interview, for your time in reading my comments and for your loving response.


    • Hi Bud:

      As always thank you for listening and for contemplating the content of the interview. What I have told the body of Christ here in Lima is found at the link below. Follow them all. I think it is at least 4 maybe 5 parts. Andy is a friend of mine and instead of trying to summarize what he has written very well I will let you read.

      God bless you my friend!


      • Pastor Mike,
        Thank you for the link to the Andy Woods 4 part series on Immigration.

        As Mr. Woods described the Tower of Babel event and Deuteronomy 32:8, I couldn’t help but recall what Dr. Michael Heiser (SER 15) writes in Chapter 14 of his book The Unseen Realm, where he shares that the Most High elohim, the LORD God (Yahweh), kept the rule of His people for Himself but gave the rule of the other nations over to the lesser elohim (gods – lower case G – not to the sons of Israel as Mr. Woods, and most others, state) of His divine council.

        Mr. Woods correctly points out in part 4 that in the Old Testament God Himself enforced Israel’s Border against Moab. I find it interesting that God eventually allowed His land and His people to be overrun/conquered by peoples governed by lesser elohim because His people did not heed His law, in particular Exodus 20:3; they worshipped other, lesser elohim. When we arrive at the New Testament, God’s people and land are still under the control of lesser elohim, who governed the Roman Empire and it’s worship of the lesser elohim.

        But God’s people were anticipating the Christ and His action to liberate them from their enemies (Luke 1:67-75; Luke 24:21; Acts 1:6), those who were governed by the lesser elohim. From what I can see in the Gospels, Christ Jesus didn’t take any action during His ministry to drive out the lesser elohim and their worshipers, secure Israel’s borders and implement immigration policies. Nor did He command His followers to take that action, even though Israel was His to control.

        When Christ Jesus gave His disciples the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20), He told them to teach all nations (those under the authority of the lesser elohim) to observe all things that He had commanded them. So I wonder, did He ever command His disciples to drive out the Romans and/or secure Israel’s borders? Did the disciples in turn go from Jerusalem to the uttermost part of the earth (Acts 1:8) commanding them to secure their borders? He did not (please correct me if I’m wrong). But during His earthly ministry He did teach His disciples by Word and example the very things His disciples have instructed us to do as recorded in the scriptures Mr. Woods shares regarding obeying the laws of the land (part 4).

        Having been made free from sin and become a servant of God (Romans 6:17-20), does He want me to to serve Him by learning, living and teaching anything other than what He commanded? Although He did not command to secure borders, He did command to teach all nations – we are commanded by Him to cross all national borders (legally of course) to carry out the great commission and teach that obeying the laws of the land is the will of God.

        Something missing in the series though was Paul’s reminder about who we wrestle against and how God’s people are to respond (Ephesians 6) – but I don’t think that would go over well at the UN.

        In closing, I was greatly encouraged when Mr. Woods reminded his readers of Ruth and her submission to the God of Israel. I’m thankful for that blessed reminder.

        Thank you Pastor Mike for letting me share my thoughts.


        PS…Maybe you could bless your listeners by having Dr. Heiser on SER again.

        • Hi Bud:

          I am in agreement with Heiser and you that God did turn over the nations to the other elohim. Having Mike on again is a good idea. I think I will do that!

          Blessings friend,


  2. Good episode. I think this is a symptom of a bigger problem. I leave it at that to avoid rambling on my part.

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